Do You Like To Bake (Or Eat Baked Goods?)

Written by Lindsey Hadley
February 10, 2021

We Are Suckers For Sweets!

I must admit that I am a SUCKER for sweets. I have a major sweet tooth and love cookies of all kinds. Fortunately for me, my husband loves to bake and so do my two boys! It is a super fun activity that they love doing together and I love to eat whatever they come up with! It’s a WIN WIN for us all!

When we were looking for new recipes to try, I came across an article (isn’t Google the best??) and LOVED the idea of Trail Mix Cookies. They are delicious and have nutritional benefits as well. Plus the kids have so much picking out what they get to put in them.

Check out the recipe here—>


Miss Lindsey

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